Structure algebras of finite set-theoretic solutions of the Yang--Baxter equation


Algebras related to finite bijective or idempotent left non-degenerate solutions $(X,r)$ of the Yang–Baxter equation have been intensively studied. These are the monoid algebras $K[M(X,r)]$ and $K[A(X,r)]$, over a field $K$, of its structure monoid $M(X,r)$ and left derived structure monoid $A(X,r)$, which have quadratic defining relations. In this paper we deal with arbitrary finite left non-degenerate solutions $(X,r)$. Via divisibility by generators, i.e., the elements of $X$, we construct an ideal chain in $M(X,r)$ that has very strong algebraic structural properties on its Rees factors. This allows to obtain characterizations of when the algebras $K[M(X,r)]$ and $K[A(X,r)]$ are left or right Noetherian. Intricate relationships between ring-theoretical and homological properties of these algebras and properties of the solution $(X,r)$ are proven, which extends known results on bijective non-degenerate solutions. Furthermore, we describe the cancellative congruences of $A(X,r)$ and $M(X,r)$ as well as the prime spectrum of $K[A(X,r)]$. This then leads to an explicit formula for the Gelfand–Kirillov dimension of $K[M(X,r)]$ in terms of the number of orbits in X under actions of certain finite monoids derived from $(X,r)$. It is also shown that the former coincides with the classical Krull dimension of $K[M(X,r)]$ in case the algebra $K[M(X,r)]$ is left or right Noetherian. Finally, we obtain the first structural results for a class of finite degenerate solutions $(X,r)$ of the form $r(x,y)=(\lambda_x(y),\rho(y))$ by showing that structure algebras of such solution are always right Noetherian.

Arne Van Antwerpen
Arne Van Antwerpen
Post-doctoral assistant in Mathematics

My research interests include set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation, skew left braces and quadratic algebras.